ENERGOThe new Lomanco® ENERGO EVL ventilation system retains the original Lomanco® system, which is the ventilation of roofs, roofs cladding, lofts and interiors, and can now guarantee minimal performance requested by the user. The ventilation system is no longer dependent on only one source of energy for ventilation, wind power, but can also be powered by electricity or even by sunlight.

Lomanco® ENERGO EVL consists of a Lomanco® BEB14 ventilation turbine (turbines with increased resistance and highest performance) complete with a control unit and an auxiliary fan that can assist with rotation of the turbine under adverse weather conditions. Lomanco® ENERGO EVL is available with EVL 1400, 3410 and 3135-3F fans.

What happens if there is a lack of wind power?

In the case of wind turbine power shortages, the Lomanco® ENERGO EVL control unit evaluates the decrease in wind power and selects an electric motor for turbine drive.

In this case, the system will be powered:

  • Lomanco® ENERGO EVL in this case will power the electricity from the network.

The system is very variable, it can be assembled exactly to meet your ideas.

  • If you wish to control performance, you can use the variable gearbox to guarantee the exact minimum system speed below which the turbine rotation may not be lowered.
  • If you want to ventilate depending on the temperature, install a temperature sensor to ensure that the temperature is exactly the way you want it.
  • If you want to vaporize in dependence on humidity, install a humidity sensor that will provide you with the humidity of the ventilated space exactly as you want.
  • Do you want to watch the minimum power of the turbine? Then install a speed sensor that will guarantee a precisely set minimum head performance even if the weather conditions are not suitable.

Name/Art. number

Ventilator parameters

ENERGO EVL 1400 + BEB 14/1,30

Voltage 230V, 50/60Hz, Consumption 35W, 1400m³/h

EVL 3410

ENERGO EVL 3410 + BEB 14/1,35

Volatage 230V, 50/60Hz, Consumption 35W, 3410m³/h

ENERGO EVL 3135-3F + BEB 14/100,38 Voltage 400V, 50/60Hz
ENERGO SET 2xTEB14 + R14 + EVL 1400 + Z14/100,57 Volatge 230V, 50/60Hz, Consumption 35W, 1400m³/h
ENERGO SET 2xTEB14 + R14 + EVL 3410 + Z14/100,58 Volatage 230V, 50/60Hz, Consumption 35W, 3410m³/h
ENERGO SET 2xTEB14 + R14 + EVL 3135-3F + Z14/100,53 Volatage 400V, 50/60Hz